Mr Draw Down
Mr Draw Down
Have you built up a large pension pot or several pensions but are struggling to decide on the right course of action? Are you nearing retirement age and thinking of staying in work or reducing your hours? Do you want access to a lump sum of money from your pension to pay off your mortgage, take a holiday or buy a big ticket item? Rockwood can help with all things pension related. We can help you decide how to get the most from your pension without leaving yourself short in the future. If you are Mr Drawdown then we’d love to hear from you.
Is This You?

Rockwood Case Study
Mr Draw Down, 59
The Scenario
My 60th birthday was nearing and I was starting to worry about my future income. Over my career I had a built up a number of pensions and wondered how to manage them. Should I consolidate them? Would I be able to maintain the same standard of living in retirement? I didn’t feel I knew enough about the available options and wanted some expert advice.
The Solution
I met with a Rockwood adviser and discussed my situation over coffee. I was really impressed with the way they took a holistic approach to my finances and considered my future requirements as well as my current standard of living. They also looked at my partner’s financial situation in order to ensure we took the best approach. They proposed I take a lump sum from my pension and then draw down on it going forward. This allows me to have an income whilst preserving the capital.
The Result
I’m ecstatic. It was the exact type of guidance that I needed and Rockwood’s holistic approach to finances was so refreshing! With everything in place, I can now enjoy a few years of well-earned comfort and a few more holidays. Lovely!